Meet The Educators: Meg L.

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As summer begins to wind down and the fall semester kicks into gear, Speak About It is getting ready to hit the road (both virtually and IRL)!

Leading Team Ouroboros is Meg Lynch (they/them)- a returning educator from Portland, Maine. 

Meg, how can theater can be an important vehicle for teaching young people about consent? 

Theater is a great vehicle for teaching consent because it builds empathy, provides real-life communication tools, and exposes folks to experiences different from their own. 

What is something that you hope to take away from tour? 

I’m excited to learn more from students about how the pandemic affected their campus cultures. Last year, lots of folks felt more confident setting/respecting boundaries in relationships because covid forced them to practice. I wonder if those communication skills are continuing to be flexed as things have opened back up a little bit. 

This has been a tough year in many ways. What has self care looked like for you lately? 

Self care has looked like microwave Trader Joe’s meals, walks in the woods with my dog Kobe, and facetime over-shares with my close friends. 

If you had a podcast, what would it be about? 

I’d love to have a podcast where I do a deep dive into the intersections of queerness, chronic illness, and eating disorders. On the lighter end of things, I also want to make a podcast about the conspiracy theories of Portland. Did Bubba of Bubba’s Sulky Lounge really own a dog-fighting ring? Is there really a prohibition-era underground bowling alley behind Empire?  

What is your karaoke song? 

Funny you ask, because two years ago on tour, I learned that Taylor Swift's “Trouble” (the goat remix version) makes for a great karaoke song. The crowd never really sees the screaming coming. 

What’s a book that you’re loving right now? 

I’ve been reading “What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Fat” by Aubrey Gordon. She uses personal experience and historical context to talk about the anti-fat violence that is so pervasive in our culture. Highly recommend checking out her podcast “Maintenance Phase” too. 

What would four items in the Meg-Starter-Pack be? 

A bidet, a paisley button down, vegan chocolate chips, and a bop-it

What is something you’re super proud of? (don’t be humble!) 

I’m super proud of getting into acting! When I first joined Speak About It, I’d never acted in my life. Over the past two years I’ve gained the confidence to audition for theater and commercials. I never thought I’d be a performer, but I absolutely love it, and am so happy to have stumbled upon it through my work with SAI. 

Idk about you, but we think the world is desperately in need of a podcast about Portland Lore!

You can keep up to date with Meg and their team by following us on Instagram. Stay tuned to learn more about our educators!


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