What people are saying about us…
When Is a Couple’s Age Difference Too Much? Swell. December 12, 2020. Dame Products’ wellness blog, Swell interviews ED Olivia about how consent and power are important to consider when evaluating if age difference in a relationship is ‘okay.’
Why Maine high schools are learning 'yes means yes' in health class. Bangor Daily News, November 5, 2019. Speak About It testified to help get a bill passed to require affirmative consent education in all Maine high schools.
Maine Women’s Fund awards $132,550 to 14 organizations, Kennebec Journal,, June 21, 2019
A new tactic to teach freshmen about sexual assault: theater, USA Today, September 4, 2017
A Teen Just Like Christine Blasey Ford is Being Assaulted Right Now, Huffington Post, September 18, 2018. Speak About It weighs in about how comprehensive sex ed that includes consent is the way forward to ending sexual violence.
How To Tell Someone You're Not Interested, Talkspace, November 18, 2018. Executive Director, Olivia Harris is interviewed about how Speak About It teaches students about rejection and respect.
Program in Portland helps restaurant, bar workers identify and confront sexual harassment, Portland Press Herald, January 24, 2018.
Mainer to be thankful for: Oronde Cruger, Portland Press Herald, November 22, 218.
VIDEO: Learning Consent Through Theater, WCSH6, November 21, 2017
RADIO: Addressing Sexual Assault and Rape Culture, Maine Public, June 28, 2016
Cape Elizabeth students coalesce around preventing sexual violence, The Forecaster, May 25, 2016
Dating Violence: Peer Education Offers Strong Dose of Prevention, Youth Today, March 4, 2016
RADIO: Teaching Boys Healthy Masculinity and Consent, Maine Calling, October 5, 2015
'Speak About It' teaches new students about sex positivity, consent," The Knox Student, September 10, 2015
Let's talk about sex-[ed], baby, Flint Hill School View, March 5, 2015
“Taoseña cracks jokes, talks assault prevention,” The Taos News, February 13, 2015
Speak About It: Making Safe Sex 'Sexier' at the College, The College of William and Mary Greek Life Blog, April 7, 2014
Two Events Continue Campus Conversation About Sexual Assault, The Harvard Crimson, December 5, 2012
Show urges students to 'speak about' sex, The Brown Daily Herald, November 29, 2012
“Students Speak About 'It' in Seminar,” Utica College's The Tangerine, September 26, 2011
“Partner, May I? College Program Explores Sexual Consent,” Portland Daily Sun, February 15, 2011
What we’re saying…and writing!
RADIO: Speak About It and author Peggy Orentstein talk ‘Boys & Sex’ Maine Calling. January 13, 2020. SAI’s Catherine Buxton was invited to discuss journalist Peggy Orenstein’s groundbreaking new book about masculinity, sex and sexual violence.
Firestorm highlights need to build culture of consent. Olivia Harris, Portland Press Herald, October 3, 2018.
Speak About It on the Collegehood Advice podcast, April 2019. Oronde and Catherine join Katy Oliviera to talk sex, sexting and consent for two episodes:
-How to have an actual conversation about sex. - Find on iTunes.
-How to navigate sex, sexting, and social media safely. - Find on iTunes.
Swipe About It: Can we reframe dating apps and make Tinder suck a little less? Catherine Buxton, Portland Phoenix, February 18, 2018.
Are Portland Bars Safe for Everyone?, Shane Diamond, Portland Phoenix, April 11, 2017
This is what you can do to fight against sexual violence, Kaylee Wolfe, Bangor Daily News, April 4, 2016