Consent, boundaries, and healthy relationships taught with humor and humanity.
Speak About It uses theater and dialogue to empower students to give and get consent, build healthy relationships, and make change in their communities.
Our educators speak about sex and sexuality with the honesty of a favorite camp counselor, the chill of an older sibling, and the compassion of a trusted friend. Our educational and entertaining programs address the intersection of identity and sexuality and share practical tools for sexual assault prevention.
Learn about our programs!
Our shows and programs offer a true-to-life view of sexuality and healthy relationships. Our educators hail from diverse identities, geographies, and experiences. Students will see themselves reflected in our work while learning vital relationship and communication skills.
Speak About It with us!
We’ve worked with nearly 500,000 students across the country and world. From public high schools to liberal arts colleges, state universities to boarding schools, we’d love to bring our unique brand of consent education to your community!

“Speak About It does what many in the violence prevention field previously thought impossible: they combine humor, healthy sexuality, and consent in nuanced and entertaining ways while treating the issue of sexual violence with respect and sensitivity. Students will learn valuable lessons to last them a lifetime.”
Cara Courchesne, Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault
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